Hey this is the ollie take a look at it.......A ollie is when a skater hits the tail of the
board bouncing it inches off the ground!
- Set your back foot on the tail of the board and your front foot 3in back of the front deck
bolts. And get comfortable in this position.
- Next bend your knees as far down as u feel comfotable.BUT U NEED TO BEND YOUR KNEES.
- Jump pulling up your front foot so there is nothing holding the board down while u kick
the board down with your back foot .Now with your front foot slide it up to the nose of the board. At the same
time. this takes alot of practice and timing so read this carefully.
- Next (you should be in the air) when u slide your front foot so it is even with your
leg and bring up your back foot. so u are all even in the air
- Last you land it bending your knees to withstand the impact and roll away.